Monday, October 3, 2011

Blog Assignment # 13 : Africa Storytelling

Blog Assignment # 13: Africa Storytelling

              The first video I decided to write about is how the people in Africa make milk.  As I was watching the video I saw how the mother took the cow and milked it.  The next thing I noticed was how she took the butter that was on top of the milk and separated it from the milk.  I also saw how they stirred the milk and made it into a liquid. The most interesting part of the video was how they said to give the milk a good taste add sugar.  I thought that was interesting because I have never heard of putting sugar in milk.
            The second video is early morning work in Africa.  After watching the video about early morning work, I an impressed.  They have to get up early in the morning. They have to bend over and sweep with a tiny broom which could make your back hurt.  Next, the dirt that they sweep up they have to dump it on the trees.  Next step to early morning cleaning is to go get water. After they sweep the ground outside they have to go to the whale and get fresh water for their family.  They have to take a very ling walk to the whale, and then they have to tie a rope to a bucket and then stick the bucket down in the ling whole.  This is a difficult one because they have to stick the rope down in the whole and if the rope drops then they have to go all the way back home and get a new bucket.  Then if that happens they have to walk all the way back home again except this time carrying big buckets of water.
            Third is prayer for the Muslims in Africa. In Africa they have Muslims called the Senegal Muslims. These Muslims have a tradition that they do before they start to prey.  They have to sweep the floor. Next they have to set a blanket out and make sure it’s nice and neat.  The next step is to Prey.  When these Muslims prey that don't talk.  When they prey it is like they are standing on their head, touch their toes and jump up and down and they do random things. That’s how they pray.

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