Thursday, October 20, 2011

Blog Assignment # 18

Blog Assignment # 18:  According to President Barack Obama was born on Augues 4, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii.  When he was two years old his mother, Anne Dunham and his father,Barack Obama Sr split up. Before President Obama's parents got a divorce he got to see his father one last time in 1971.President Obama later enrolled in Esteemed  Punahou Academy honors in1979. He was one of only three black students at the school, he became consous of racism and what it means to be African-American.
                         People used to talk about Obama as a kid so much that he looked in the mirror at his skin color and asked himself "What is wrong with me?"  Before President Obama's parents got a divorce he got to see his father one last time in 1971. President Obama was having problems with his father. Presidents Obama's father lost his legs in a car wreck, because of that, he lost his job. In 1982 his father got in another car wreck and died.
                       He found out his father died at the age of 22 and that made him feel bad. After graduating from high school, President Obama went to a college in Los Angeles, then he transferred to Columbia University where he graduated in 1983. In 1988 he moved back to Kenya, where he decided to go to law school. The next year, 1989 he met Michelle Robinson, an associate at Austin Law Firm, she was advised to be President Obama's advisor during the summer. Later on in life the two began dating.
                       In 1990, President Obama became the first African-American editor of the Harvord Law review, in 1991 he graduated Magna Cum Laude. After law school he went to Chicago to become a Civil Rights lawyer. On October 3, 1992 he and Michelle got married. The happy couple moved to Kenwood,Chicago where they had two daughters Malaya who was born in 1998 and Sasha who was born in 2001. In 1995 President Obama eventually published a book named Dreams From My Father: The Story of  Race and  Inherirance. On January 20,2009 Obama became known as the 44th president of the united states and also the first African-American President.

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