Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Blog Assignment # 15

Blog Assignment # 15 : Today I will be talking about Claud Monet.  Claud Monet was born on November 14,1840 in Paris, France.  A few years later he moved to the Normandie where his father owned a marine trade supply store.  As a child Claud Monet spent most of his time in Le Havre drawing things.  Claud Monets drawings often got him in a bunch of trouble at school,also, he often did not listen to the rules.
                                    By the time Claud Monet was fifteen he was selling caricatures for as much as 20 francs.  That did not please his parents who were well off from their prosperous business.  Claud Monet continued drawing and was not interested in painting until he met Eugene Boudin the man who would become his mentor.  His mentor encouraged him to go out and paint nature scenes. Louis Monet, Claud Monet's father died shortly following his sons very first showing.
                                 His aunt soon took over the care and support of the gifted teen, who was showing true talent as a painter. As Claud Monet got older he went to study the prestigious Ecol des Beaux-Art.  He rejected the schools traditional attitudes towards art and went on to study Academie Suisse. Following a short stint in the military , He returned back to Le Havre where he met an arnamed  Johan Barthold Jongking.  He died on December 5, 1926 at the age of 86.



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