Thursday, September 29, 2011

Blog assignment # 12

See full size image   Blog Assignment #12: Mary Antoinette was the the youngest daughter of  the emporor and empress of The Holy Empire.  She is important in history becasue,she was dating the king of france,Prince Louis XVI.  She was raised up believeing that she had to become the Queen of France.  Once Prince Louis became king Lewis they got married.In 1789 a mob descended in the palace of Versailles and demanded that the royal family move to Tuilerie palace inside Paris and from that point on th king and queen were virtual prisoners. 

                         After she had failed to flee Paris, Mary Antoinette continued to seek aid from abroad.When Australia and Prussia declaired war on France, she was accused of  passing military secret sto the enemy.  On August 10,1792 the royal family was arrested on suspicion of treason and imprisones.  On January 21 King Louis XVI was convicted and exicuted.  Marie Antoinette was cruely treated on her last days to live.  Marie Antoinette was killed by getting her head chopped off.
                      To me this could be the worst way to die and I feel sorry for her and her husband. Also I am happy I am not in their possition.  I think that she is brave for at least trying to run away.  I believe she was a strong woman.  See full size imageSee full size imageSee full size imageSee full size imageSee full size imageMany people should respect her.

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