Monday, December 12, 2011

Mid Term Exam

Mid Term Exam:   Part 1: I will be talking about Alek Wek. According to  Alek Wek is an African model who had to starve as a child . When Alek Wek was seven years old, her family got trapped in their homes, During the civil War. If she left her home she could risk getting killed, or kidnapped. So her family would not get killed they crawled everywhere, in their house.
                Her Family did not have much food. But, the food that they did have, they had to share it with their neighbors. Alek Wek starved most of the days.When she was fourteen, she flew to London as a refugee along with one of her sisters. In London, she had so much stuff to choose from.While in London, she entered a pageant. After the pageant was over, a scout came to her and told her that she should be a model.
         Before she knew it she was a model walking on runways and walking in high heels.Today Alek Wek is living in Brooklyn. Where she says she eats alot and never starves herself. She is now helping kids around her neighborhood and at schools think globally. She is enjoying what she does and is happy that the kids are asking questions about her life.

Part 2: I will be speaking about, The Hunger Games. The Hunger Games was written by Suzanne Collins. According to, The Hunger Games is about a girl named Katniss Everdeen and her friends Peeta Mellark, and Gale. Every year, the capital of Panem hosts and event called The Hunger Games. This is where they pick two tributes, a boy and a girl from each district, and they fight till the death.
          She likes her friend Gail as more than a friend, but during the training of the games, she never gets to see him. After a while she starts to fall for her friend Peeta  Mellark. But, there is one problem, she has to kill him. Later on in the book , the people over the Games decided to make a rule, The two players from that district can team up and become partners. Peeta and Katniss can become partners. But, people expect them to fall in love with each other, and that is a problem because she also likes her friend Gail.
          Katniss also meets this girl named Rue. Katniss is not on the same team as Rue, but she does not wan't to kill her. She doesn't want to kill Rue because, Rue reminds her of her little sister. Rue and Katniss stick together for a while. But one day, Rue got killed. In the end, District 12 winners, Katniss and Peeta have to pretend to be a couple, so people would still like them and think they are hero's.

Part 3:

Part 4:  What? Humming Bird
            Who? Humming Bird
            When? 12/16/2011
            Where? At the Museum
            Why? The Bird was Stray
            How? It found its way

          What? Games
          Who? Jane McGonial
         Why?They are influencing children
         How? People are spending 40 hours a week playing video games

        What? Rare spider silk
        Who? Spider
        When? 9/24/2009
        Where? At the Museum
        How? It comes from spiders, But you hardly ever see it

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Blog Assignment # 23

Blog Assignment # 23:

      First Story:What? Kid's are help stop Malaria.
                      Who? National Geographic Kid's.
                      When?  this was in 2007.
                      Where? The kid's went to help stop Malaria in Africa.
                      Why? To stop Malaria that was spreading in Africa.
                      How? They were getting people to donate money and help out.

    Second Story: What? Scientists help a mother panda raise their cubs.
                          Who? Pandas
                          When? This was in 2005.
                          Where? This happened in Chine.
                          Why? They are helping raise the cubs because the mother needs help.
                           How? By feeding the cubs food and giving them something to drink.

    Third Story: What? There is a planet in sight
                       Who? TrES-2 is the name of it.
                       When?  This is taking place present day.
                       Where?  It is in the sky.
                       How? It is a little bit bigger then Jupiter.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Blog Assignment # 22

Blog Assignment # 22:  Today I will be talking about three people. The first person I will be talking about is a girl  named Clair Young. She is fourteen years old, goes to Parkview Baptis School and is the daughter of Paige and Beau Young. She is the first volunteer with the junior volunteer program at Woman's Hospital. She was placed with GYN/Oncology department.
                         The next people I will be talking about is Ashleigh Martin, Brock Kaufman, and Rain Catoire. These three kids are from Central. Rain and Brock go to Central Middle School while Ashleigh will attend Northwestern.They went to a camp where they learned pre-production, script writing,story development and video recording. While they attended this camp they were asked to be in a movie called "Little Town."
                         The last person I will be talking about is Caroline Schulenberg. She is seventeen and goes to St. Joseph Academy.Caroline is a member of the Baton Rouge Ballet Theater. In some upcoming events, she will be dancing as a snowflake, Chinese tea performer and a flower. She will be playing these characters in a very famous play called "The Nutcracker."          
            Once upon a time there was a girl named Tiana. She lived in New Orleans. She always wanted to own her own restaurant, but did not have the money. So until she had been able to get enough money, she worked at a restaurant by the name of Buford’s Kitchen. At Buford’s Kitchen they sold all kind of food and desert’s. Everyone loved Tiana’s special, beignets. Tiana had a friend named Lottie. Lottie loved shopping for dresses, and she loved cats. One day Lottie came in to Buford’s Kitchen and asked Tiana to come to a Masquerade Ball that night. Tiana agreed to go. When night time came, it was time for the Masquerade Ball.                                                  Tiana showed up in work clothes, but to Lottie, that was unacceptable. Lottie grabbed Tiana and brought her to her room. Lottie gave Tiana a princess dress, and told Tiana to put it on, then Lottie left the room. Tiana put the dress on and looked in the mirror when all of a sudden “ribbit!” It was a frog!! Excuse me would you mind to give me a small kiss?” said the frog. Tiana screamed and reached for a book and the hit the frog! The frog got back up on its feet. As Tiana picked up the book to hit the frog again the frog said “Please, Please let me explain” Tiana dropped the book and listened to the frog. “See, what you see here is not the real me I, and prince Navine” Said the frog. “A prince? You are not a prince! Said Tiana.                               “According to this book, if you give me a kiss I will turn back into a prince” said Navine, “What?” said Tiana, again Navine said “ You are a princess, and I am a prince behind this frog outfit, If you give me a kiss you will turn me back into Prince Navine” said the frog. Tiana decided to give him a kiss, but first he had to tell her how he got turned into a frog, he thought that would take too long so he told her a shorter version” I went to a voo doo doctor and he did not like me so he turned me into a frog and there Is a man outside that is dancing with your friend Lottie, he looks exactly like me, that’s my assistant that the voo doo doctor made look like me. Tiana thought that was a pretty convincing story, so she gave the frog a kiss right on the lips. After the big kiss happened, Prince Navine was still a frog. He looked over to see where Tiana was and turns out instead of him becoming a prince again, he turned her into a frog. He got scared, and hopped over to Tiana. “WHAT HAPPENED TO ME!!?” Asked Tiana as she hopped over towards Navine. “I do not know, it should have worked, because you are a princess and I am a prince”. A princess!!? “I am not a princess” said Tiana. Not a princess!? Well then this whole thing was pointless, you should have told me that before I kissed you, Why would you dress like that if you are not a princess?” said Navine. “This, a Masquerade Ball!” said Tiana. They yelled and screamed at each other for about five minutes, then, they both calmed down. Later on in Princess and the frog they meet a Cajun bug with the name Raymond aka Ray and a Cajun Alligator with the name of Louis. Ray goes in fun adventures with them until that evil voo doo doctor killed him. After Ray died he became a star up in the sky with his true love Evangeline. Louis plays the trumpet and he sticks with them till the end of time. At the end of the story, Tiana kills the voo doo doctor. Also, Lottie finds out that she was a prince and she kissed him but when she did it, it was too late, it was twelve o’clock, that next morning, and they were stuck being frogs forever, or so they thought. Once Tiana and Navine got married, they kissed and they both became human again. Tiana opened her own restaurant called Tiana’s Place she made lots of business and lived happily ever after with her new husband.        

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Blog Assignment # 18

Blog Assignment # 18:  According to President Barack Obama was born on Augues 4, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii.  When he was two years old his mother, Anne Dunham and his father,Barack Obama Sr split up. Before President Obama's parents got a divorce he got to see his father one last time in 1971.President Obama later enrolled in Esteemed  Punahou Academy honors in1979. He was one of only three black students at the school, he became consous of racism and what it means to be African-American.
                         People used to talk about Obama as a kid so much that he looked in the mirror at his skin color and asked himself "What is wrong with me?"  Before President Obama's parents got a divorce he got to see his father one last time in 1971. President Obama was having problems with his father. Presidents Obama's father lost his legs in a car wreck, because of that, he lost his job. In 1982 his father got in another car wreck and died.
                       He found out his father died at the age of 22 and that made him feel bad. After graduating from high school, President Obama went to a college in Los Angeles, then he transferred to Columbia University where he graduated in 1983. In 1988 he moved back to Kenya, where he decided to go to law school. The next year, 1989 he met Michelle Robinson, an associate at Austin Law Firm, she was advised to be President Obama's advisor during the summer. Later on in life the two began dating.
                       In 1990, President Obama became the first African-American editor of the Harvord Law review, in 1991 he graduated Magna Cum Laude. After law school he went to Chicago to become a Civil Rights lawyer. On October 3, 1992 he and Michelle got married. The happy couple moved to Kenwood,Chicago where they had two daughters Malaya who was born in 1998 and Sasha who was born in 2001. In 1995 President Obama eventually published a book named Dreams From My Father: The Story of  Race and  Inherirance. On January 20,2009 Obama became known as the 44th president of the united states and also the first African-American President.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Blog Assignment # 17

Blog Assignment # 17:  The first comic I like is Snuffy Smith by John Pose.  The comic started off  by the man named lukey reading his news paper. Next he said "Do you think thats true?" then Snuffy, the man that was with him said "Do I think whats true?". Lukey said "It says here that men who are married live longer than single men" Snuffy said "That might be true" then Snuffy said "it sure feels that way." this was an  interesting comic because Snuffy and Lukey are old men who were in the forest, one was reading the book while the other one was sitting there.
                                     The second comic is Zits by Jerry Scott.  In this comic the boy tells his mom that he will leave his biology project by the door so when he wakes up  on thursdey and gets ready he will not forgett it. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday pass by. On Thursday morning he leaves the house and when he gets to school ge realizes that he does not have his biology project with him and he has to call his mom to bring it to  him. As the days passed by this boys mother doing everything possible to keep the project clean so when he called because he needed his mom to bring it to him, she was tired.
                                The last comic I would like to talk about is Mother Goose and Grim by Mike Peters. In this comic thr bird is trying to call the cat so the cat could wake up.  The cat never answered him so he went to the cat and said "why don't you cats ever answer when we call you?" The cat woke up and said "what you called me?" the bird said "yep I called you by your name."  Next the cat said "I have  name!!??"Thats the last comis that I like.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Blog Assignment # 16

See full size imageBlog Assignment # 16:   Milton Hershey was born on September 13, 1857 where he was raised in Central, Pennsylvania. Before he became interested in making chocolate, he trained to be a printer. He worked for a news paper then decided that news paper was not the job for him. The next job he got was at a candy factory in Landcaster, Pennsylvania, after working at the candy factory for a few years he decided to open his own candy business near Philadelphia. His first business had to shit down because he was not making enough money, after closing his business down he moved to Denver, Colorado to learn how to make caramels.
              He took his new caramel making skills to New York and worked selling candy on the streets, where his candy business also failed. He moved back to Pennsylvania where he started to experiment with all sorts of different candies and chocolates. By experimenting Milton Hershey learned how to make fresh chocolate by using, sweet condensed milk. His milk chocolate became so famous that he decided to sell his caramel business and focus on chocolate only. In 1903 Milton Hershey built a huge chocolate factory and an entire town to go with it.
                  The name of the town is Hershey, Pennsylvania, in Hershey Pennsylvania they have everything a child needs such as sports, schools, and many more. To this day Hershey Factory is still up and running, and if you ever visit there you can smell delicious chocolate just driving by. Milton Hershey has traveled to many places doing what he really likes doing. Milton Hershey never gave up on his dream and that is why I respect hin.  He died at the age of eighty-eight on October 13,1945 in his own town. Hershey, Pennsylvania.